
sharp pain in back of legs..keep training or rest?!?

sharp pain in back of legs..keep training or rest?!?I recently began to have knee pain on bending for which i received acupuncture, the doctor informed me the knee pain was due to a lower back injury caused by stamping my foot hard during exercise. I had a weeks rest and began traing again. but now the pain is down the back of both legs, in the calves and back of thigh, its like a sharp, non-muscular pain, but doesnt seem to be sciatica either.
The pain is at worst when stretching backs of legs and when knee is fully bent.
It doesnt seem to be receeding, should i keep training through the pain or do i need to rest. Icepacks or heatpacks? any ideas?

- Jerico
Give it a few day's rest dude, you're obviously over-exerting yourself. I've had the same problems in the gym (actually still do have it occasionally) and that's when I started consulting alternative methods.
Meditating worked for me. Not only did it allowed me to have a bigger control over my pain, it also motivated me more in my cardio, strength, and endurance training.
Link below is a good online resource of meditation how-to and info.

- jlt454@sbcglobal.net
NEVER workout through pain. Pain means something is wrong. By continuing you are only making things worse.

- Lim S
Rest as much as possible, less walking & climbing of course. Apply some cream which you can get advice from pharmacist. Apply some hot bath with ginger juice at affected area. See it helps..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Knee Disorders Treatment, Causes, Exercises, Prevention Tips, Symptoms ...

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