
Avid Runner - MRI done on left knee-No problems. Pain just below knee cap. Worst when I sit for a long time.?

Avid Runner - MRI done on left knee-No problems. Pain just below knee cap. Worst when I sit for a long time.?Avid Runner - MRI done on left knee-No problems. Pain just below knee cap. Worst when I sit for a long time.?
I run on treadmill a lot. However, I just completed a marathon a few weeks ago, my knee did not get any worse from the training- in fact, I did my long runs outside, my knee seem to improve. From all the research Ive done, I believe I have a patella tracking problem. Im wanting to start training for 5ks. Does anyone know if a treadmill can somehow cause an imbalance in stride that could cause a tracking problem for the patella?

- GermanGirlie
Sounds like typical arthritis to me, does the weather effect it? In my exp. runners always seem to have knee pain. Try a hot rub on it before running....Just an experiment...
P.S. Sometimes your hips & feet can cause knee pain. Has your legs ever been measured? Just a thought.

- michael l

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Good luck!

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Orignal From: Avid Runner - MRI done on left knee-No problems. Pain just below knee cap. Worst when I sit for a long time.?

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