
could osteoarthritis be the cause of my knee pain?

could osteoarthritis be the cause of my knee pain?Hi everyone, I am not sure what is causing my knee pain but my symptoms are similar to arthritis. I have been very physically active my whole life, but I am only 20 years old...isn't that too young to develop osteo arthritis? I am wondering if it is a possible explaination for the pain I have been having in my left knee (my right knee gives me no issues at all) I am very depressed, as I cannot be active the way I used to be. I have been to an orthropedic doctor and he believes I have bursitis. I did not have an MRI but he said if the pain does not subside in a month or two of physical therapy that he is going to order me an MRI. My question is, would ostero arthritis show up on an MRI?

- HammerNH
arthritis damage can be revealed with an x-ray
See another doctor.
Knee pain is terrible - get help now.

- Someones' Mom
An MRI will show inflammation which is what arthritis is. Is the knee swelling? Is it a sharp pain as opposed to dull pain? Is it continuously present or just when you bend a certain way?What helps the pain/inflammation. It isn't real clear why your physician did not order an Xray for your knee to rule out an inflammatory condition.

PT techs may also help to determine what may be going on. Although they are not physicians, their education relating to the human body is extensive, and their experience in dealing with other knee issues may also be of help. They may also be able to determine through a series of movements and extensions if it is meniscus issue, or cartilage, etc.

Good luck.......can also either Google 'conditions of the knee', or put same search criteria into www.onelook.com, which is a dictionary that pulls up information for many other dictionaries. You will be amazed by how many conditions that can affect the knee.

- Pat K
Osteoarthritis may or may not show up on an MRI, there are no age requirements for osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is an inflammation of the joint and shows additional calcification. I have been told I have this in my knees, back and neck and thought the Dr's were idiots. Then I moved to upstate New York, where the weather is God awful - cold and damp. My pain is exasperated when there is a change in pressure (low pressure to high pressure......) Once the pressure change is done the pain goes away, just that quickly. If this is what you have then yes it could very well be Osteoarthritis, but that shouldn't stop you from doing anything, especially at your age.
I am now 50, and was diagnosed with osteoarthiritis more than 25 years ago. As the pain increases I get more active so that the stiffness won't progress and so far it has worked. I am active at a gym, ride a bike about 10 miles a day, lift weights and work with horses everyday. If you cannot do any of this it may not be a physical malady but a psychological one

- uncertain
I'm 19 & I'm not a doctor. But I have knee problems. I torn my left knee meniscus around late Dec 2006. I got an MRI & they said all I had to do was get it scoped(that's a surgery procedure). Yeah it hurt like a bitch but after therapy and after football season i was fully recovered. Today I have no pain it just makes a poping sound but it feels like it did. I believe I torn my right knee now but i do stretches & exercises to make it less painful.

I don't think you can have Osteoarthritis at 20. Look into getting that MRI I think its something that can be taken care of.

Don't let a thing like this hold you back from being active. There are many athletes that play with injuries.

- I do what I want..
I work with Orthopedic surgeons and we see this all the time, especially in active people. Trust the doctors, if you need surgery, the knee surgery you will need is fast and easy. Two small incisions and they go in and "clean the knee up" and you are on your way. I hear the surgeons tell people (of all ages) to take Tylenol Arthritis it is over the counter, if it helps then maybe you do have osteoarthritis, I think either way you may need surgery, but it is a breeze! Good Luck!

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