Does anybody know of any home made remedy for knee joint pains?I have trouble with my left knee when going down the steps and when it gets a little colder. Sometimes it wants to fold from under me due to the stress of pain. I cannot tolerate pain killers because it upsets my stomach. Is there another remedy out there for these?
- Tilks Mom
I use Ben Gay or Vicks, rub the knee then wet and wring out a towel put it in your micro wave for like 2 minutes have a dry towel waiting(it will be hot so handle carefully) to put it on cover with the dry towel and wrap it around your knee helps for shoulders and neck also.Wet heat seems to get deeper into the joint and relieve the pain longer.
- Moped Mama
see a dr r/o artheritis, RA or osteo? take VIT D at walmart 2000 IU , walmart sells JOINT relief but make sure its not LYME diease attacking you?
- littlegirllost33
My mom used to have bad knee pain and she found it very helpful to swim and soak in a hot tub.
the water allows you to move in it ways that not being in water inhibits you from doing. these movements and simple stretches can really make it feel better.
- Si'gwetsi'
some people use heat some use cold pads but nothing works for me . good luck
- butterfly
You sound like you might have a combination of a torn meniscus and arthritis , you need to see an Orthopedic because over time you may get worse. In the meantime you need to stay off it and let it rest. I hope you feel better.
Orignal From: Does anybody know of any home made remedy for knee joint pains?
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