
Runners, outside of knee pain? Need treatment HELP! PLEASE!!?

Runners, outside of knee pain? Need treatment HELP! PLEASE!!?Thank you for taking the time to give me advice. I recently purchased a treadmill and went on it for an hour each day for 5 days. I mostly jogged at 5-7 mph and did little walking just 5 minutes at the end/begging and for a few rests in the work-out. I hadnt excercised that much for about 2 months and My knee was really starting to hurt but once I started running it was ok. But whenever I would get off the treadmill it would be very still and VERY painful, to the point of not walking. I havent gone on it since and it has been about 3-4 weeks and now whenever I jog at all it hurts enought to not be able to jog. I read online about ITBS if you know what that is but I am not sure thats the case. It feels like twisted/strained tendon on the outside of knee cap. Have you ever had this and how can I heal it soon? I have soccer in just three days and I really need to work-out. I have gained 25 pounds and need to lose it. Advice on healing knee and how to burn calories/build leg muscle with injured knee. Thanks you soo much.

- Willow
it sounds like it's strained, but you should probably go to the doctor's to check it out... also, if you just bend it back and forth for a while does it hurt? that's a pretty good way to exercise the injury, and to build muscle. um... if it's that bad, you probably won't be able to play soccer in just three days. stay off of it as much as possible, and try to ice it. if you need to, a brace might be a good idea. :)

hope it helps! good luck!

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