
Get rid of my knee pain fast?

Get rid of my knee pain fast?Last night i was wrestling in a tourny when in the semi finals i felt a pain in my knee randomly occur. My coach didnt seem to care so i kept wrestling through the finals. well after that i kept walking and probobly doin things that was making it worse.

Finally i woke up at 4 in the morning when i couldnt go to sleep for hours do to my knee pain. I put a pillow under it and finally went back to sleep.

Its hard to walk around the house. my knee is so stiff and it hurts to go up a step or two in my kitchen. i can barely take small steps also.

anyways, i need a quick way to cure my pain without goin to the doctors by tommorow. and icy-hot doesnt really work. please help?

- hakuna matata "09"
take a hot bath and relax pour some Epson salt in your water,you can buy it in any drug stores or walmart,target etc.

- The Exalted Pheonix
You have every right to make an official complaint against your coach.
It is his job to monitor your health in terms of possible injuries that you may have.
They are trained to treat, manage and prevent sport injuries.

You are going to have too see a doctor.

Without knowing more details about the injury, I do not know what to suggest.
I would try walking with an aid like a stick until you see the doctor.


- JC
try to walk it out and flex your knee and ignore the pain and it will seem like nothing when u get used to it and show it whos boss lol

- Nursey
This is due to inflammation. I suggest taking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory such as motrin. Also you can apply a cool compress to induce vaso-constriction and thus bring down the swelling. This is going to need some time to heal but bringing down the swelling will minimize the tissue damage from prolonged inflammation. Elevating the limb was a good idea too, but you should immobilize it as much as possible right now too. Later on warm compresses will increase blood flow and aid in healing. Wrestling coaches are always pushing their kids. Remember, you know your body better than anyone. If the pain increases or persists then please go see a doctor.

- mstr_of_all
ice it down i take up to 2400mg of ibprofin 4 200mg 3 x a day for my knees

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