by arantxamex
Has anyone ever experienced knee pain when sitting or or going up stairs?In early September I started a new job that required much more getting up and down, I started to notice some knee pain when bending my knee that sometimes extends up my thigh muscle when move aggravated. My Dr. told me to just strengthen my quads and I'd be find. I have now begun to have problems with me knee when I walk and feel like Its going to give out. Any good suggestions on if he's correct or what could be going on.
- Dear Kayla
okay, here's the perfect answer, avoid going up and down stairs. sitting or standing. just lay down, and enjoy yourself :)
- Sandry T
If it feels kike its giving way- maybe a cartilidge problem, try low impact excersises-- keep the knees warm, use a linament etc till you can have xrayed.
I have had to have a cartilidge operation on 2 knees for same reason.
BUT get xrayed , and try also to add salt to diet, and more dairy- if able.
if not caltrate will boost your calcium intake to strengthen --
I still get stiff swollen knees, and had to cut the top 8 inches of my male partners socks and put over knees like a knee sock lol.
Help a lot too.Taking fish oil capsules also helps.
Sandy T
- Mike S
Often knee pain is a manifestation of a stubborn ego and pride. An inability to bend. Fear and inflexibility. Not giving in.
Try this affirmation: Forgiveness, understanding and compassion I bring to my life now. I bend and flow with ease.
- Luke W
In any case, you need to see an Orthopedic surgeon. If the doctor you are seeing is a GP, then you need a second opinion. Most likely you need to have an x-ray and probably an MRI. I had a similar problem and it turned out to be a torn meniscus that could only be seen with an MRI. The torn portion was removed during arthroscopic surgery and I was back to normal in 6 weeks. I was not into athletics or strenuous activity and the surgeon said sometimes it just happens. During my problem I did not feel like I could trust my knee to support my weight.
Orignal From: Has anyone ever experienced knee pain when sitting or or going up stairs?
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