Help!!! Knee issues and Idk whats wrong with it...?Ok so here is the issue. Most of my life I have had issues with my right knee. At one point in the past it had become swollen so much i couldn't walk. My knee had been twice its normal size so i wore a knee brace. Eventually the issues became dormant and the only problem I've had is my weak ankles. I've started running lately to loose a little flab on my stomach I recieved over the winter and regain my constant 90 pounds I usually weigh. The first time I ran my shins began to be in severe pain. I could barely walk but i had jogged about 2 miles Tuesday. Well me and my friend had just finished our first mile today and something just happened. I collapsed because my knee hurt so much and it felt like something was rubbing up against the skin each I bent and unbent my knees. It was revolting and it hurt so bad. It felt like a bone was rubbing against my skin. So we went back to the car and it was swollen near my knee cap. I poke it and it feels like fluid but at the same time it feels tough. I'm not sure what it is. Please help. What is it?
- Graec
You really should go to the doctor and get an MRI to diagnose it properly... there are a ton of potential problems you could get in your knees while running.
- Kota Girly
If the fluid is whitish or yellowish and feels not think but not thin it may be puss. If it is clear and thin it may be a blister. I would recommend going to the E.R and getting a x-ray.
- ace2r5678898
You should go to a doctor.
- sugarquill
You should go see a doctor. If it is fluid, they might extract it to remove the swelling. You should not be exerting a lot of effort to your feet in the mean time. If you want to lose some weight, maybe dieting can help or going to a sauna to sweat out the toxins in your body. As for your painful knee, try getting a good mattress topper for that, preferably something that has a firmer feel to it such as a memory foam mattress topper. This should not cost more than $ 200. Get one with at least 5 pounds of density.
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