
How come my knees are sore after basketball?

How come my knees are sore after basketball?Usually after basketball practice or pick-up games my knees feel sore. It gets even worse when I go home to take a shower or walk around.

Why is that? How can I train my knees so that they become stronger and bigger and won't get sore after basketball? Thanks for the help

- Kar33m24
u cant train ur knees....lol....ice ur knees immediately after the game, that should work....or how bout u go ask ur doctors to look at ur knees and see if u developed arthritis early

- waltcosmos
maybe you spend a lot of time on your knees and the basketball thing is just bullshit

- kobe
you dive for loose balls too much man
make sure everytime you play you keep those balls tight, trust me u dont wanna dive after loose balls they hurt ur knees bad

- Shaqtastic. Go Heat/Pistons!
You can't train your knees, but you can buy stuff that will help.

1.Well this will probably solve the problem, you can get better shoes that take the "shock" from jumping up and down. Your knees are constantly taking punishment...

2. [Just as effective and cheaper]You can do that or get those knee sleeves that Kevin Garnett and some other NBA players wear, which are probably 10 bucks. Not too sure what they call them, but I believe they call it a knee sleeve or knee brace. The only problem is that they kinda amass the sweat in your legs and end up stinking.. Keeps your legs protected and warm though!

- Toronto Classic
Its your shoes.. you need new basketball shoes. This happened to me too, but after I picked up some bball shoes, my knees were fine

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