What disqualifies you from joining the military? Like what medical disorders?Will bowed legs disqualify you, or knee deformity?
- kevin d
- Kat
Yes. Any kind of noticeable muscular or bone deformity, asthma, color blindness (sometimes), anybody with a history of surgeries for something. Many many things can disqualify you.
- Justin
You might be able to get a waiver if the condition is relatively mild, but otherwise yes those are disqualifying traits.
- sgtadams2004
Alright, true story. My Commander walks funny and we asked him one day, "Sir, what's up?"
He was like "I wore braces as a kid."
I did the Forrest Gump voice and said "Momma called these my magic shoes, she said they'd take me anywhere."
My commander has a sense of humor.
This is best left to your recruiter and remember, only a MEPS doctor can disqualify you, not a bunch of dudes (and ladies) on Yahoo!
That is unless you have severe polio and are confined to a wheelchair, or your knee deformity is that there is nothing below the knees. Then you can pretty much rule out not only the military, but a lot of other things.
- Ray
Google AR 40-501 and read Chapter 2. That is the medical standard for enlistment.
Orignal From: What disqualifies you from joining the military? Like what medical disorders?
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