How do you help the pain from bursitis in a knee?I have been diagnosed with bursitis in my knee, however it feels more like it is trying to dislocate on the sides. I have horendous pain on the inside of the joint and was told that the bursa is inflamed there and it should get better with pain medicine; it hasn't. I am overweight and that is the only thing the doctor was making sure to make me aware of...I know all ready that my weight does not help but something has got to help. I can't stand the pain or the popping, snapping and swelling in my knee anymore.
- Night Wind
My aunt has Bursitis. She's had it most of my life. I'm in my 40's. I remember when she was much younger she took shots directly into the bursa muscle for pain. Now, many, many years later she takes a large amount of vitamin B-6. If you have a naturapathic doctor close by, I'd speak to him. She has controlled her bursitis for years now that way. I personally have arthritis. It can be very painful at times. I take B-6 for that. It took me a solid 5 weeks of taking it every day faithfully before it started working. What a blessing though! I only take 250 mg. per day. I know my aunt takes a little more. It's my understanding that once it starts working you can back your dose down. That's why I would speak to a naturapathic doctor. They are wonderful. Best wishes to you.
- Dr .Varun
a homoeopathic Medicine
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- greatmangentletrue
make your room temperature optimal.... also whenever you take bath temperatute should be optimal....
keep your knee a bit elevated when you sleep straight .
a mild gentle message of olive oil over knee reduces pain...+ antibiotics prescribed by your doctor
from me (dr tayyab).wish you all best...
- TradeConsult
I don't have bursitis, just sore knees from running. I found a site that had some good information. You should visit and see if there is anything there to help with your knee pain.
- Seema R
Information on joint pain , home remedies and treatment is available at
Orignal From: How do you help the pain from bursitis in a knee?
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