
I dislocated knee 2 days ago and it was pushed back in but my leg is swollen; how long will it be swollen for?

I dislocated knee 2 days ago and it was pushed back in but my leg is swollen; how long will it be swollen for?Dislocated my right knee but my leg is still swollen and nurse told me not to bend it for about 5 days. How long should i expect it to be swollen and when should i be able to walk on it freely?

- Douglas B
Sitting with your leg straight out in front of you, grab your leg with both hands right above the knee. With your fingers find the cords in the back of your knee. You should find two on the inside, one on the outside and one half way up on the outside of your leg. With your fingers, pull up hard into all of these cords at the same time and hold. Now relax, take a deep breath and exhale, and don't tense up any part of your body, including your arms. Let them rest while your hands and fingers do all the work. After about 45 seconds, very slowly start to bend your knee while still maintaining the pressure on the cords. If you run into pain, stop if it feels really bad, but if you can go past it without it getting really bad, continue. When you have your knee bent all the way, keep it going right under your chair for a full extension of the knee. Once as far as you can go, release the pressure on the cords and let your leg rest there for one minute. If you were able to get it to go all the way, it should be good to walk on.

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Orignal From: I dislocated knee 2 days ago and it was pushed back in but my leg is swollen; how long will it be swollen for?

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