
knee pain? injury? what is this?

knee pain? injury? what is this?yesterday i was sitting on one leg when i went to stand up all i felt was this shooting pain in my knee and then afterwards a pop. it seems to be fine when i walk on it but when i try to bend it pain is pretty bad. i don't think it has to do with a muscle because i have torn muscle before, very painful, but nothing like this. what is it

- immattj1
Hard to diagnose from the computer desk.
The knee is not nearly a complex joint as the shoulder, but still there are ligaments & tendons that are constantly in use whenever you stand/walk/run/whatever. Hope for possibly only a microtear that will heal with time/ice/rest.

If not, think about visiting a professional.
Good luck

- silky1
Well this sounds like it may be the onset of arthritis. It's best to have the knee x rayed,however x rays don't always show arthritis you may need the sedimation rate test to determine if it's arthritis or not.

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Orignal From: knee pain? injury? what is this?

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