Is it true, that if you put a laptop on your knee in use, then it can start cancer?Is it true, that if you put a laptop on your knee in use, then it can start cancer?
is it true that if you put your laptop under your bed when it is on, while you are asleep you may get cancer?
is it rue that if you put your mobile phone under your pillow when you are asleep, then you can get brain damage, or something?
i was just wondering, and if you honestly don't no then please don't guess :)
- coaltrainJAZZZZ
no im not guessing its no
- Ron Q
of course not...
- Fairytale
omg i hope not because i sleep with a phone under my pillw and my laptop is always on my knee :S
aww i hope it doesnt
- Tammy
you know these days they say you can get cancer from a whole ton of things, bread, red meat, microwaves, even your own bra! they have no real proof for any of those theory's so i just say the only things you do is get a yearly checkup, feel your boobies and slather on some spf 50! nothing that happens is out of gods will (=
- Casey
I don't worry about these things. I have heard if guys have them on their laps alot it can sterilize them.
Orignal From: Is it true, that if you put a laptop on your knee in use, then it can start cancer?
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