Extreme leg pains in legs & knees in cold weather. What can I do to relieve pain? & should I be worried?I've been getting extreme leg pains in this cold weather that we've been experiencing lately. Is this very common or should I speak to my Doc about it? & also, what can I do to relieve pain :(
- Alexandra
I have the same exact thing! What I do is before I go to sleep I make my leg warm. Take a very very hot shower and put anything that will make your leg warm ex. blankets. Just make your leg warm and the pain will go away.There's also another way. Ask for a special gel that will reduce the pain. I have the same thing and I'm so much younger than you.
Good luck and don't worry. ;)
- Douglas B
You can have tendons on the borderline for tightening up and when they get into the cold weather they get finished off by the normal part of things shrinking in the cold. This is one of those things that if you went to the dr. for, I think all you would get out of it is a big bill for they could run tests on you but these are the things that don't show up in x-rays or other tests so they could run them all and tell you that there is nothing wrong. Except the big hole in your pocketbook.
You didn't say which part of your legs so I am guessing the calf area to go along with the knees. Here are the releases for those two areas and if something has been tightening up in the cold to give you the pain these two releases would be your best way of getting rid of the pain:
Kneecap: (Use a chair that has no cross members on it.)
While sitting start with your leg out in front of you extended out to a comfortable length. Wrap your hands around it so you leave a open working area. Place your thumbs about two inches behind your knee and press into the top middle of your leg hard and hold. Relax. After 30 seconds, slowly slide that leg back until it is pulled up under the chair as far as you can make it go. Then release the pressure but hold your leg there for one minute longer.
Be sure to keep a steady pressure on the leg when doing the previous one, especially when you are sliding the leg. If you don't it won't take. If that happens just do it again.
Achilles tendon:
With that foot in your lap, take both your hands and place them on the back of the tendon about one inch apart at ankle level. Press the tendon hard between your fingers and thumbs and hold that pressure there. Relax, take a deep breath and exhale and don't tense up any part of your body. After 30 seconds slowly raise the front of your foot as far as it will go. Then remove the pressure but hold your foot there for one minute longer.
Orignal From: Extreme leg pains in legs & knees in cold weather. What can I do to relieve pain? & should I be worried?
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