
I've had knee problems for the past 9 months or so. Anyone have a similar story with a good ending?

I've had knee problems for the past 9 months or so. Anyone have a similar story with a good ending?Starting last November, my knee got really swollen. It was to the point where I couldn't bend it and the pressure of the fluid caused great pain. I've had x-rays, an MRI, and blood tests done that haven't pinpointed the exact cause. I've been seeing a rheumatologist because the doctors suspect I might have rheumatoid arthritis. The medication they gave me worked for a month or two, but my swollen knee is back. I've begun to wonder if the doctors really know what's wrong. I used Webmd and researched pseudogout and gout, which also match my symptoms. Anyone have any idea at all?

- preppychick14
my friend had the same problem and he died.....sorry........just kidding

- ihaveanopinion
preppychick's friends leg actually fell off

- Kayla C
I had the same thing for a year and a half. I had to switch to another orthopedic surgeon who gave me a steroid shot, and started on physical therapy. My knee got worse, so he went in and did arthroscopic knee surgery. They found A LOT of scar tissue, which most of the time it doesn't show up on MRI's and x-rays. I suggest you go see another doctor.

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Orignal From: I've had knee problems for the past 9 months or so. Anyone have a similar story with a good ending?

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