Knee Problems???..............?I usually like to crack my knees because it makes them feel as if they are awake. But about 3 months ago, my left knee started to hurt. Some days the pain would hurt just below my knee and other days the pain would hurt behind the knee. And the worst part about it is that I'm in dance so we do a lot of squatting and stuff which is when my knee actually has its problems. Now its like 3 days ago my right knee starting hurting too. What is wrong with knees!!! Are my knees already starting to fail me?
- AJ
If you've been dancing for a long time, it could simply be an overuse injury. However, there are a LOT of tendons, ligaments, and other parts of the knee that can be fairly easily injured, so it's best that you get checked out by a doctor. (Usually see your regular doctor, who may refer you to an orthopedist.) I know not knowing what's wrong can be scary, but the sooner you get it checked out the sooner you can find out what to do to fix it! Waiting on something like this is never a good idea.
Orignal From: Knee Problems???..............?
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