any good answers for arthritis of the knee home remedies for pain relief?
- jenius
I suffer from RA and have found an herbal alternative that helps with pain but it isn't legal. Enough said. Best of Luck.
- M M T
Ice helps most of the time. It helps to reduce the inflammation. Advil and Aleve are two drugs you can buy OTC that do work for some, IF your stomach can handle it. I have heard that some people get good results with glucosimine/controitin (sp) supplements. They didn't do much for me except give me horrible heartburn!
Sometimes gentle stretching exercises and keeping moving are the best thing. Remember the adage "What you don't use, you lose!"
Good luck and if none of the suggestions you get here help, don't hesitate to see your doctor. Life is too short to live in pain!!!!!!
- momofjzj
Ice and heat alternated works. Hot baths, aspercreme, pool walking helps to loosen them up and helps to prevent some pain. I forget the name of it (sorry) but at a health food store I once got an herbal creme to rub on joints and muscles that I could use when I was pregnant and it really helped. If you go to an herbal medicine shop (not a place like GNC) but an herbal place they will be able to help you find it. Sometimes you just have to rest out a flare up then get back to exercise afterward to help prevent the next round. Good Luck!
- Doe B
you will need to go to the Health Store ask for FLAVONOIDS they are extremely effective in reducing inflammation and stabilizing collagen structures they release histamine to reduce inflammation... also their are some foods like greens
- minx
Try increasing your consumption of fatty fish, such as cod, salmon and halibut on a daily basis.......... they are a great source of omega - 3 fatty acids which have antiflammatory properties. I'd also suggest you eliminate the nightshades, such as potatoes, tomatoes and eggplant from your diet as they may aggravate your condition.
Fish oils are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and will also help to possibly prevent depression;
~ alleviate rheumatoid arthritis;
~ offer protection against migraines and kidney disease;
~ enhance the immune system;
~ lower blood pressure;
~ keep skin, hair and nails healthy;
~ lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides;
~ reduce blood viscosity;
~ help prevent heart attacks and strokes.
To increase your Omega 3 intake ~
~ grind whole organic flaxseeds in a coffee grinder and sprinkle over fresh fruit;
~ throw a handful of organic walnuts into a green leafy salad;
~ add a tablespoon of flaxseed oil to your morning smoothie;
~ eat oily, cold water fresh fish like salmon, mackerel or tuna at least three times a week.
organic with the nuts and seeds to avoid the nasty sulfites and other chemicals they use to "preserve" them that may upset sensitive bodies .
Take a B complex supplement on a daily basis ~ B5, part of that complex, has been found to be effective in reducing the pain of arthritis in some cases ........... buy perhaps a liquid B complex supplement as it will be easier for your body to assimilate ........ get one with all the B's in it ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and folic acid etc.... as they work best as a group.... don't buy any of the B complex of vitamins individually but rather as a whole group unless specifically instructed to do so by a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath.
The B complex of vitamins is essential for healthy neural, digestive and immune system functioning and will bolster your system enormously in dealing with the everyday stresses of life.
Please also ensure that whichever supplement you decide to buy doesn't contain any lactose, wheat, yeast, gluten, preservatives or flavorings, sugar or yeast as none of these have any place in a good quality supplement anyways.
Take 2 fish oils capsules twice daily.
Take extra vitamin C in a powdered form as well ~ you can get it with bioflavonoids contained therein ~ the bioflavonoids inrease the power of vitamin C 10 fold....... if you're taking lots of aspirin you're losing vitamin C.
Vitamin C reduces inflammation, stimulates the immune system and restores the mucous lining of the gastrointestinal tract.......... In addition, vitamin C creates an environment in the digestive tract that helps control the overgrowth of yeast, bacteria and parasites.
Vitamin C deficiency can contribut to digestive problems, as well as bleeding gums, increased susceptibility to infection, joint pain, unexplained bruising and lack of energy.
hope this helps u
peace 2 u
Orignal From: Knee Disorders: any good answers for arthritis of the knee home remedies for pain relief?
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