
what are some good remedies for a knee sore from running?

what are some good remedies for a knee sore from running?i'm a long distance runner and pole vaulter on a school team.

- webserfun
Probably the standards, Ice and heat.
Maybe a whirlpool bath to keep things loose.
asy stretching after the run, but NOT too much before a workout.
Light workout, then stretch, then the heavy workout. Afterwards, another stretch, and then any therapy you feel is helpful, such as the ice, etc...

But, if you have a structural issue, it may never resolve. It might be a good idea to see a medical professional to verify you you are not causing 'future damage' to your knee by virtue of toughing through your activity. It would be a shame to have a lifetime of knee problems because you didn't know you had a chronic knee issue.

- norm
Ice pack, Absorbine Jr.

- Lucifer
Stop running?

- shikie1233230
Put some ice then you could wrap your sore with something warm. that always works for me. Im a long distance/sprinter

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