I pulled a muscle in behind my knee, what should i do about that? It hurts to run or walk on my legs?I am running track now and this week i pulled a muscle or strained a muscle behind my knee. It hurts to run, walk or do anything with my legs. What should i do?
- Alex
Take a hot back to loosen it out or put heat on it
and stretch your calves or hamstrings(not sure which you pulled)
good calf stretch:
Good hamstring stretch
- Ed
Pulled muscles, or muscle strains, as therapists call them, are graded according to severity. They occur when small tears occur within muscles.
A grade one strain is the least serious, and shows itself with mild discomfort, and usually entails no disability, no limitations on activity.
A grade two strain often involves bruising and swelling, and limits high level activity.
A grade three strain is severe, with much pain, swelling and deep bruising.
The first thing you should do is evaluate your own muscle strain according to these criteria. If it is severe, you need to consult a therapist. If it is a slight pull, you can do probably treat it yourself.
Rest the muscles; don't do anything strenuous. Apply ice to the affected area as soon as possible after the injury. Don't apply it for more than fifteen minutes at a time, but frequent applications are recommended. Gentle stretching is also a good idea.
If it fails to respond to this, you may need some anti-inflammatory medications, but this should only be done with a doctor's supervision.
To prevent muscle strains in the future, make sure you strengthen the damaged muscle before resuming your running. Also, don't run unless your muscles have been warned and stretched. Stretched muscles are much less likely to get pulled.
Pulled muscles are probably the most frequent sports injuries, so you are not alone. i wish you much success in your recovery.
Orignal From: Knee Disorders: I pulled a muscle in behind my knee, what should i do about that? It hurts to run or walk on my legs?
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