
Knee Disorders: Knee Trouble?

Knee Trouble?6 days ago /i hyperextended my knee in a soccer match after comming down on it awkwardly. I was in great pain for 5 mins after the injury and thought i had broken my leg. After the 5 mins I was able to hobble around. the next morning i was unable to walk, got taken to A+E, was given crutches and a brace ansd told to come back in a week when swelling had gone down. The welling was very bad at the time. 6 days later I am able to put wieght on it with only a small amount of pain on the back of my knee, there is still a bit of swelling, i also have brusing down the outside of my calf. i no longer need the crutches or the brace, i can now fully straighten the knee and am still haveing a little bit of trouble bending it fully. What does it look like ive done and how long do you think i could be out for???

- Dea B
sounds like eihter a torn meniscus or ACL/MCL injury....

i would continue with the brace for support so that ur knee doesnt give out on u until u go back to the DR.. u may need to have an MRI done to determine the extend of the damage..

Sorry to say but if it is an ACL injury u will have to have surgery and therefore will be out for about 6 months... if it is a meniscus or MCL injury the rehab time is usually shorter and as long as no surgery is needed u should be back to soccer within about 6-8 weeks....

please get this taken care of and dont skip out on ur followup because of fear of being taken out of ur sport for a longer period of time... cause if u just continue to play with ur knee the way it is now it will probably wind up giving out on u and u will miss a lot more time in the long run

best of luck with ur knee

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Hi,I did the following:

Advice about Runner's Knee Pain

Hi Gary I am a 46 year old male I have flat feet that i have orthatics ? made for me I run a average of 800 miles a year and only trouble i normally get is the odd calf strain I can do a 10km in around 44mins a 1/2 in 1.40 and a full in justover 4 hours i do about 4 marathons ayear. I have now got runners knee in the left knee and receiving physo with streching heat and electro pluse. I seem to manage a 5km run every second day and by the third run the inside leg just above knee seems to get tired and niggly any ideas what else to do, is taping the way to go or is that masking the problem. i have been doing plenty of streching at home after run regards james For more information go here: blog.garymoller.com
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