
Knee Disorders: Is it bad to exercise with knee pain?

Is it bad to exercise with knee pain?For a couple of years I have had knee pain on and off, especially after bending my knees and then standing up. I think it may be chondromalacia patella or patellofemoral pain Syndrome. In the past year I have taken up running, and try to run about two miles 3 or 4 times per week. My neighborhood is relatively hilly, and after running I often have mild pain in my knees. It is better than it used to be, but should I get it checked out by a doctor? Is the running helping or hurting? 10 pts. best answer.

- Marky p
running doesn't help because your knees take alot of pressure from your bodyweight when running, and if your running trainers are getting old then it might be worth buying a new pair, because that could also be the reason why your getting knee trouble, but it is probably best to go check with a doctor and see if they can refer you to a physiotherapist.

good luck

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