
Please help with Knee Pain Diagnosis?

Please help with Knee Pain Diagnosis?Hi,

A few weeks ago I started feeling this intense pain in my right knee that has just grown increasingly worse. Yes, I know I should see a doctor and I will, but for now I just want some opinions. I need to get this fixed especially because it is my right knee and that's crucial for driving.

The pain only seems to occur when I am sitting, and I can only describe it as I feel that I need to crack my knee to fully extend it, but when I try to crack it, the pain is so intense that I either give up or crack it and feel awful. It is even painful when I cross my left leg over my right knee. The strange thing is that I am completely pain free when walking. The only problem seems to be walking up stairs (and sometimes down).

A little background- I am a 23 year old female. I just started a new office job a few months ago where I am sitting for 7+ hrs a day.

Please help! Thank you :)

- creed
can't diagnose you for the simple fact that there could be a million & one reasons for pain in the knee;; what I can try to do is relieve you of some pain until you do go to see the doc;; get a flexible gel cold pack from the drugstore (the cheapest one you can find, about $ 5)..towel wrapped & over the part of the knee that opens (do this while leg is propped)..15-20 mins when agitated (not pain, but physical agitation to the knee);; when you are sitting, try to 'walk' your feet out instead of attempting to lift that foot..the thigh support will leave the hip flexor out & will reduce the amount of tension to the knee..once it's walked out with complete thigh support, then you can lift your foot..also try pulling the foot away from you (like you would do to stretch in the morning);; also, SLIGHTLY angling your hip in or out will allow the alignment change to your knee..every cm that you move that leg L or R allows the bones to play differently..you'll find which way & distance actually reduces your pain..remember this 'angle' when you climb & descend steps (actually descending is worse on the knees...so if you can avoid it altogether, try)...you can also try going backward on the steps..many people find relief this way when they HAVE to do steps;; another thing is the old "up with the good, down with the bad" which again reduces pressure to the knee..it would rather behave like a support mechanism than a worker...so, ya have to go it one step @ a time...good luck, until you find the cause...know it's a lot of info, but if you can get these down, you WILL find some relief...

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