
Knee Disorders: what causes knee pain to get worse?

what causes knee pain to get worse?i have had a incident years ago when i was still in school, i have dislocated my right knee, and even today that right knee gives me a heavy pain, what would be useful to do for the pain?

- William C
It's probably raining or will rain tomorrow. Pressure cause by precipitation can cause that.

- swifty
go see a doctor and/or physiotherapist

- chouli1
A patella stabilizer brace helps. Also exercises to strengthen your quad muscle to help stabilize your knee.

- X M
If you did not do any physical therapy you could still be hurt. If you're concerned go to the doctor they might have to do surgery on it. Also ask about physical therapy because even a year later it'd still do some good.

- Jason W
You may have a chronically dislocating patella (kneecap). As you walk around, run, or otherwise use your knee, the patella slides back and forth in a groove on your femur. If it dislocates, it isn't staying in the groove.

If it doesn't ride just correctly in the groove, it can still give you pain (even if it does not dislocate). This can be a subtle problem, something an unexperienced person can't discern by looking at the knee.

Your best bet is to get with a physcial therapist who has experience with knee patients. Go to APTA.org, click on "find a PT", and search your home area. You may want one who is board-certified in either orthopedic or sports PT (OCS or SCS after their name). They can help you get to the bottom of this problem, and strengthen your knee safely to prevent re-occurence.

A word of caution: it is a BAD idea to sit on this problem and hope it will go away. Biomechanical problems left to themselves tend to go from bad to worse.

Good luck!

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