What causes knees to pop?My left knee pops sometimes when I walk. I even get a dull pain/ache when I bend it at times. Sometimes It hurts enough that I won't bother bending it for a few minutes on end.
Any ideas what could cause it help help prevent it? I miss-wrote that sentence. "any idea what causes it or do you know anything that can help".
Carbon dioxide causes it?
I been having this on and off for a few years now. I was walking earlier and I popped big time. I got home and just about cringed because it hurt so much.
- Drop Dead, Gorgeous. my knees pop too!
yuck :(
probably contradicting muscles and bones.
Add your own answer in the comments!Knee Disorders Treatment, Causes, Exercises, Prevention Tips, Symptoms ... Hi,I did the following:
Chiropractic Knee Adjustment Demonstration by Austin Chiropractic Care
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