by _rockinfree
knee injury/knee pain?ive had knock knees since i was about 5, i went and saw an orthopaedic doctor who offered an operation but my mum said no...
my right knee has extra bone in, i think its called birpatite patella or something, anyway the patella fuses together differently, so my anatomy of my knee is different to other peoples
i am 16 and work out about 3 to 4 times a week
i also walk pretty much everywhere
about 2 months ago my right knee really started hurting when i was running, i could only run for about 10 mins without pain, theni realised that it felt like it was going to give way and something was catching when i was cycling, also when on the rowing machine the pain is so cringing i cant bear it, it gives me the shivers.
i went to the doctors, but my GP was on a sabbatical so i saw a locum or something, she said that i needed to build my quads up.. and my knee was just getting used to the exercise
now i can no longer run on my knee and going up and down stairs hurts, it also feels like its gonna give way, the only exercise that is bearable is cycling and cross training, i cannot do any leg weights as my knee doesnt feel strong enough
i have tried to build all the muscle and i am noticing that just under my right knee on the left side there is some swelling after exercise
i am going to go back to see my GP sometime soon
but shall i continue exercising?
and what do you thinks wrong
oh and the only trauma i can think that happened to my knee was when i went skiing in april.. and twisted it, that swelled alot, but cleared up within a few days
- Rupert
You should see a doctor.
- mama4
I had knee problems when i was young and when i was 20 i had knee surgery they had to file my knee cap and i ll tell you it took so long for it to heal b/c the knee is a bending point and it takes longer to heal b/c it is being moved alot just be patient it well heal and you will feel better good luck!!!!
Orignal From: knee injury/knee pain?
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