Knee locking up causing severe pain?It started out with knee pain, i saw my doctor and he said i had plica syndrome. But then my knee started locking up, it started out only every once in awhile but now its quite often and the pain gets worse and worse every time it locks up. Am i gonna need surgery? I also wear a knee brace sometimes. Oh and is it bad to just pull the leg to unlock it, and by pull i mean yank hard and fast, thats how i have been unlocking it, and it makes a very loud popping sound, and hurts like hell for about 20 minutes then the pain slowly leaves, though i will be feeling some pain the whole day.
- Charlie
- prettyinpink28165
i would go to a specialist. i had the same problem. i found out i had dislocated my knee cap. and i had to be on cructches for a while. but yours might not be as bad.
But ya go see a specialist. they will help out and proberly give oyu something for the pain. i know i did. i went to the er and they said nothing was wrong with it adn to see a specialst they told me exactly waht was wrong. so go see one they will help
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