
Medial Knee Pain? No improvement so far with treatment?

Medial Knee Pain? No improvement so far with treatment?I have had medial knee pain and the feeling that my knee is just "not right" for about a week and a half. I went to my doctor on Wednesday and he was a little perplexed but he thinks it is either runner's or jumper's knee and put me in a knee brace.
I am just curious as to why I have medial knee pain when both of those conditions have to do with the knee cap and the tendons around it. My pain is on the inside of my right knee, it is tender to the touch around that side of the joint, and stairs are no fun at all. The pain is mostly when I am moving the joint and it varies from a tight feeling to a sharp jab when I move certain ways; especially when I am moving my leg from side to side. Do these symptoms comply with the diagnosis I received? Plus even wearing the brace, although it does give me some relief, seems to be making anything better.
Thanks in advance!

- sally
I would recommend trying to see an Ortho to see if they is any damage to your acl. Your acl or anterior cruciate ligament is a ligament on the outside of your knee cap the connects the Femur to the tibia. So if you are having pain, I recommend seeing a doctor

- Janelle

I am a physical therapist. Knee pain is a common problem. The most common knee conditions not associated with trauma include knee cap or patella femoral pain and knee arthritis. Trauma generally is associated with knee conditions including a meniscus tear or ligament sprains.

From a treatement standpoint there are some simple things to do not matter what the specific condition. First, avoid any aggravating activity (running/stairs/squatting), utilize ice (not heat!), and exercise to the extent you can tolerate. I specifically like a stationary bike as repetitive motion helps to maintain knee mobility.

For information and treatment recommendations regarding specific knee conditions visit the link below.

Hope this helps.

~JTrempe PT, ATC

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