
what resulted in her left knee pain 2

what resulted in her left knee pain 2

No1309 This video is continued from Video1308. She is left handed and usually right hip, leg and knee ache. In the first (previous) video, many points on whole body were done. In this video, knee and calf through ankle were done carefully. The technique I used was very various. For example, lower calf was done by near the knee cap using file-hammer and then by heel or front side of the ankle. To find and to cure troubled points, clap-and-push was done many times. This technique is very important to find troubled points and to sense fascia condition on whole body. Anyway, at last, she was very relieved to be taken off the knee pain.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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when right thigh aches 1

No1440 At a dorsal position, left thigh does not ache, right thigh aches when pressed. She is a right handed person. As you see here, the ultrasound Vega is shaken by a hammer horizontally. This Vega-hammer was set on right thigh and knee at first. This method is very effective even when done through clothes. And, the noise created by punching-bouncing phenomena works to enhance the effect. At an occasion, while the knee and thigh was being done, left year resounded. Did you hear that? Many points was touched, shaken and heavily massaged by my hand. Most points were found through my body's sensing. They are, neck, shoulder, right head side, back under right shell, right abdomen, pelvis rim, right elbow, right Achilles, left instep and knee.

Knee Disorders Treatment, Causes, Exercises, Prevention Tips, Symptoms ...

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