
Pain Management ( for knee)?

Pain Management ( for knee)?I have a possible meniscus tear and am waiting for an MRI. My doctor has prescribed two different anti-inflammatories( motrin and aleve) but neither work. Is there anything better to control the pain and swelling?

- graeme1944
Try Ice or a hot water bottle for 15 minutes. One or the other should help with the swelling. Immobilise the leg in one of those tempory splints as well. Take a Panadol every 4 hours and 2 before you sleep.

- Malsy
I will just tell you when i tore my ACL and a lot of cartilage in my knee..I was given stronger stuff.. (Vicodin for pain and something else for swelling). It made no difference whether I took it or not. The pain did not ever go away or feel better.

I would just suggest to try not to walk on it as much as possible and put some ice on it. elevate it. (my doc told me to not get up for anything unless i had to go to the bathroom) walking around on it a lot will cause it to swell more and not to mention leaves a chance for more damage.

*When putting ice on it make sure you only put it on top of the knee and not on the back side bc this can do damage to a tendon back there. Only keep it on there for about 20 mins

- Michelle L
You can use a cold application such as ice to help reduce the inflammation and therefore decrease some of the pain associated with it. Since it is your knee, you may want to go to the grocery and get a medium to large size bag of frozen peas. Mark the bag so that you know it is for this purpose only. Apply a lightly moistened paper towel to the area and then place the bag of frozen peas over the paper towel. Do not use anything thicker than a paper towel, it will decrease the amount of cold that reaches the inflamed tissue. Leave it in place for 15-20 minutes. You can use a regular cold pack in place of the peas. The reason for the peas is the flexibility of the bag. It allows it to wrap around the knee and make contact with more skin surface. When you're done, place the peas back in the freezer to keep them cold for the next use. It is not good to keep the cold on for too long. There will be four stages to the process. the first is cold, the second will feel like a slight warming sensation, the third will be tingling, and the fourth will be numbness. Once you get to the numb stage, remove the cold source. After an hour or so, you can repeat the process. I hope this helps.

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