Knee brace question?(Please only responses from doctors and people with knee ailments. THANKS!!)
hi! I was wondering to all you knee brace wearers out there if there is such a thing as a sleeve less brace that works. I have patella femoral syndrome (with traking to the outside of the knee) and I am in marching band so every brace I have tried always gets REALLY sweaty and falls down to my ankles.... (too bad I don't have ankle problems instead haha). Any way if anybody knows of any ways I could fix this or get new braces (and what kind) that would be great!
oh also... if anyone could explain to me how to tape my knees to act as braces that would be great too.
- mlgable
You need to ask your doc for a referral to physical therapy and they can fit you with a brace that will work.
- Maestro
They have some ones at Dick's Sport's sleeve, but it also has straps to keep it on snug. You can also do a search on yahoo or google on knee braces. Back to the brace/s at dicks, it's also made out of a nonslip material. Check them out if you haven't already.
- alittleminx01
i bought my knee brace from boots it's like a sleeve and has velcro straps to keep it in place.
Hi,I did the following:
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