
What are some ways to alleviate chronic knee pain?

What are some ways to alleviate chronic knee pain?My boyfriend recently injured his knees by overexerting them during a bike marathon he didn't train well enough for. He has been taking glucosamine with Chondroitin and msm, doing some different leg stretches, and icing his knees (20 mins at a time) when they hurt. He has stopped bike riding for the most part, but is very active and plays soccer once a week, and participates in the occasional football game. He knows its better to rest, but there is really no way to stop him from continuing these activities (his choice, not mine). Does anyone else have any tips for knee pain or helping his knees heal faster? Preferably to people that deal with this particular issue.

My brother has knee problems and he wears a knee brace with a metal frame. It allows him to still walk and stay active but it keeps his knee from twisting or over extending. Rest is probably the best for your boyfriend but if he won't rest, then he should atleast wear a brace to help stablize the joint.

- lefry42
Wearing a brace is one of the best ways along with rest, but one of the things that i use are those new icy hot wraps.....They work very well and keep my knees relaxed when im playin softball or football. Im gettin old too so that has another thing to do with it but Aleve is probably the best medicine to take when he is at home and resting too. Hope this helps some!!!!

- suede_blueyes
I hate to say it, but if your boyfriend doesn't take the time to rest and allow his knee to fully heal, he will probably end up having to have knee replacement surgery.

The fact that the human body can heal itself is an amazing thing and shouldn't be taken for granted. Our bodies need downtime and proper care in order to ensure healthy healing.

By not allowing himself to rest, he is risking never being able to play sports. Then again, athletes aren't really known for their brains, are they?

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