What causes knee pain below the knee cap?Yesturday i was walking down a set of bleachers which was 4 steps and then turned left to go somewhere else, but after i turned and started walking i was like "ouch" my left knee really hurts. I just blew it off though because 2 years ago i had knee surgery and the surgeon placed an "eight Plate" in on the left side of my left knee and a "eight plate" on the right side of my right knee to close my growth plates. My left knee has always hurt from time to time because of that but my right has been fine. Over the left plate on the left leg is usually where i have constant pain because i have tendons abnormally rolling over the plate which is hurting them, and when you place your hand over the plate area and bend my knee you can feel them rolling and its pretty gross. But this is the first time i have had pain below my knee and i seem to have a slight decrease in motion in that knee now, and it dosent hurt to walk on nessecarily until i bend it back. Did i dislocate my knee? Or did i tear a tendon on the side of my knee which holds my knee cap in place? Any clue would help me greatly.
When my knee bends and i place my hand right underneither my knee cap i can feel something move or like pop, what is that?
- Tony Z
i have the same problem, but if you ignore it, and eat those gd dm pills it will heal, but if you occationally hit at it, it will hurt and seem like it will never go away.
- imsety
The knee is a hinge.It is a large weight bearing joint, but its motion is much more strictly limited than that of most other joints. It will straighten for stable support, and it will bend to more than a right angle, to approximately 120 degrees. However, it won't move in any other direction. The limited motion of the engineered to take side stresses.
If the knee is unstable and wobbles, or if it cannot be straightened out, you need a doctor. This is also true if the knee is red or hot, which suggest the possibility of gout or an infection; the knee is the joint most frequently bothered by these serious problems.
Finally, if there is pain or swelling in the calf below the sore knee,
you may have a blood clot. More likely, you have a Baker's cyst. These cysts start as fluid-filled sacs in an inflamed knee but enlarge through the tissues of the calf and may cause swelling quite a distance below the knee.
Listen to the pain message and try not to do anything that aggravate the pain. Otherwise, acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen may be used to ease the pain. And good luck.
Orignal From: What causes knee pain below the knee cap?
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