
what is the best treatment for osteoarthritis knee problem?

what is the best treatment for osteoarthritis knee problem?my mom has developed knee problem from osteoarthritis. She is 55 years old. due to the problem, she couldn't do the gardening she likes doing.
i have heard about knee replacement, but i'm wondering if there is any other solution. i'd highly appreciate any answer to my question.

- gb
First your mom needs something to control the pain and slow the damage to the knees. Pain killers on long term have side effects. I recommend, Arthrid, a natural pain reliever. Go to www.sindor.com for more info. good luck.

- c504play
not if her knees are that bad and she is now bone on bone. i am 55 with the same thing i waited until i could no longer stand the pain and have surgery scheduled 1/25/07. dont let her wait too long the longer you wait the damage is done

- Sawyer
A friend of mine was scheduled for knee replacement surgery. however, I told him about a nutritional supplement. After 3 months on it; he was totally pain-free. It's been over a year now & he makes no mention of knee replacement surgery.
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Good luck!

I would recommend Homeopathy Treatment for your mother.

For right knee, take Arnica 200 - 3 doses 1 day then Bryonia 30 - Daily 2 doses.

For left knee, take Rhus Tox 200 one day 3 doses then, Bryonia 30 - Daily 2 Doses.

For both the knees - Bryonia 30 - Daily Twice and Aurum Met 1M - intercurrently.

Consult a Doctor/Registered Physician before use. I strongly recommend that dont take it without consulting a doctor.

For Heaven sake dont opt for surgical treatment.

Give Medicines to your mother with Strong Belief.

Wish your mother a Speedy Recovery.

God Bless.

- mr.answerman
Once a joint has osteoarthritis nothing can be done to that joint to so called "cure it". Of course she can do the pain reliever thing and that may offer some relief. There is another treatment called Synvisc (sp) this is an injection into the knee of a viscous fluid that will offer a long term pain relief. It lasts for months, but it must be injected by a doctor. One more thing to consider is a half knee replacement, this is a shorter recovery time if your mom is a candidate. Your mom is young so she should have a very good outcome if she decides to do any surgical route.

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