What is a good OTC pain reliever for a meniscus tear in the knee?I tore it a few months ago but I opted not have surgery and just deal with it. Motrin? Tylenol? Thanks.
- Danielle D
Motrin has anti-inflammatory properties that Tylenol does not. It'll help relieve any swelling that might be lingering.
- SnuffySmith
Motrin. But you will eventually need the surgery.
- joebob
Ibuprofen will help with inflammation and swelling.
So will Aleve.
Tylenol only helps pain.
It's really up to you and which one you think gives better relief. Never take tylenol with an alcoholic beverage. ANY alcoholic beverage.
You may find mixing it up helps but never overdose any single drug at a time or 24 hour period.
- lucia
Either Motrin or Tylenol will do for the pain. However, Motrin, or ibuprofen is anti inflammatory, so may be more effective.
I had a meniscus tear and they said it would never get better without surgery, which I refused. That was 10 years ago. I used crutches for a few weeks and when I was able to walk without them, I took care to keep off my feet whenever it started to ache again.
Eventually, it stopped bothering me altogether. If there are certain things that make the pain worse, (for me it was climbing stairs) make sure you STOP whatever action makes it hurt!
Do NOT massage your knee!
I see people here say that it will not get better without surgery. I beg to differ. I was told that, too, by two orthopedic surgeons. I proved them wrong and never regret NOT having the surgery. There are more UNNECESSARY knee operations being done which leave people worse off than before.
Please give it TIME. make sure your diet is healthy and take a multivitamin daily.
Another good pain reliever for this, though it requires an Rx, is the Lidoderm Patch. These are great if you can't handle or don't want to take oral drugs.
- MissUnderstood
You need to get the surgery. This pain will not go away without treatment. Do not wait until it's too late!!!!
Orignal From: What is a good OTC pain reliever for a meniscus tear in the knee?
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