Pro-Tec Athletics Knee Patellar Tendon Strap (Medium)
knee tendonitis - click on the image below for more information.
- Alleviates patellar pain, including conditions of Tendinitis (jumper?s knee), Chondromalacia (runner?s knee), Patello-Femoral Pain, and Osgood-Schlatter?s.
- Provides moderate compression to the patellar tendon, reducing forces to the femoral groove.
- Helps to stabilize patella, improving patellar tracking.
- Unique attachment system allows user to adjust strap with one hand.
- Stays in place.
How It Works: Knee Pro-Tec provides compression on the patellar tendon, helping spread pressure uniformly across the patellar tendon, reducing discomfort and irritation. This compression may also help stabilize your patella, improving its tracking. In addition, Knee Pro-Tec absorbs stress to the knee, reducing vibrations in the femoral groove. Design Theory: The Knee Pro-Tec patellar tendon strap is designed to provide consistent pressure on the patellar tendon. The strap is made from neoprene, which stretches, allowing it to stay comfortably in place. Tubing, sewn into the neoprene, is used to provide gentle compression and a plastic loop is utilized to make it easier
Pro-Tec Athletics Knee Patellar Tendon Strap (Medium)
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Knee Tendonitis?
Tendonitis usually does not cause any "bruising". I would be a little suspicious.
It is not unusual for cartilage injuries to initially appear like tendonitis or a simple sprain. Later on we do something to aggravate the condition and then it is actually easier for an Orthopedist to diagnose.Sounds like my meniscal tear. An orthopedic surgeon would probably guess that and confirm with an MRI. You can actually get it feeling better by icing and just gradually introducing a quad strengthening program. Surgical intervention is an option, but frankly, I still have times when mine hurts; and I had the surgery. To answer your question very specifically, YES, it sounds like something worse than tendinitis.As the previous collaborators have stated, a tendinitis, is a very self limited process, that with rest, should not lst more thatn 7-10 days..if careless, it will repeat itself every so often...
If there is a painful "lock" when you attempt to extend your knee, and there is a clicking noise or sensation with it, and pain in the medial aspect of the knee, then, most surely you have either a loose cartilage body in the joint, or a thorn meniscus..
Whichever of the two cases might be, you need a procedure called arthroscopy, (one little incision on each side of the patella under epidural anesthesia), and the diagnosis and resolution of the problem are done in the same stage (procedure)...get your doctor to refer you, to the proper orthopaedist, and stop guessing what is wrong with your knee...Get the proper person for the proper problem....dont guess...
Knee Pain Rehab Video - Patellar Tendonitis
Orignal From: Pro-Tec Athletics Knee Patellar Tendon Strap (Medium)
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