anyone who knows how a treatment for knee injury?i accidentaly injured my knee when i was riding my bike.. i think it got too much impact when i bailed out of my bike.. any advice what to do?
- Samarasy f
ice maybe?? or if you have like an ace bandage or something to wrap it in if it hurts to walk so you can keep it still..otherwise um.. i guess thats it.
- ahhchoooo
not sure what kind of injury you have or how serious it is but I would start with elevating it and icing it. If you have a dixie cup from a bathroom dispenser, fill it with water and freeze it. Unwrap the paper around the ice cube and use it to rub down the knee until the ice is all gone. That really can help.
If you think you have something serious wrong with it, please get it checked as knee injuries that go untreated can hurt for life. I shattered a kneecap when I was 21 and now, 9 years later I am still going through pain time to time due to it not healing correctly
well: according to "Knee Injury is treatable with an simple
Ice pack& use it for 2hrs each day until the swelling goes down !"
see I am certifide in First Aid
Any trauma to a bone, especially a main weight bearing joint can be serious. Since you didn't mention any angulation or any problems bearing weight, some of this answer is general. Are you having any swelling, severe pain with movement, or numbness or tingling in your lower leg or foot? Is your patella(kneecap) where it's supposed to be? If you cannot bear weight and walk without severe pain you should see a doctor. Since there are ligaments in your knee, such as the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments that can be torn or the cartilage(meniscus) can be torn, a doctor's advise should be sought. Usually ice, elevation and immobilization is the key. Apply ice that is in a plastic bag wrapped in a towel to prevent cold injury to tissue. Elevate your leg on pillows above the level of your heart and place the pillows lengthwise from your butt to your heel, NOT just under your knee. If this doesn't help, see a doctor. Hope this helps!
Orignal From: anyone who knows how a treatment for knee injury?
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