knee joint?knee joint is a synovial joint..what is the subtype of synovial joint it is?
eg of synovial subtype : ellipsoid, plane, saddle and etc
- rkeech
All joints in the body are either movable or immovable.
Movable joints are nearly all synovial, and are classified as ball-and-socket, hinge, gliding and pivot joints. The knee and the elbow are movable joints best classified as hinge joints. The shoulder and hip are best classified as ball-and-socket joints. The best example of a pivot joint is that between the odontoid process of the first cervical vertebra and the base of the skull, and I believe this is not a synovial joint. Gliding joints, in which one bone slides against another, are found in the wrist and ankle.
Non-synovial joints are immovable or only slightly movable, and are exemplified best by the joints between the bones of the pelvis, which allow almost no movement, and the suture joints between the bones of the skull, which allow no movement.
I hope this answers your question, plus providing some information for readers who may not be familiar with or studying anatomy.
Orignal From: knee joint?
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