
Knee Issues?

Knee Issues?Im having problems with my right knee, my problems include:
A small bone chip at the knee cap(I can move it and it causes extreme pain when applied force)
Numbness or slight pain from my knee when I run.
A vibration when i put my hand on my knee and bend it.

Any Advice?
I am planning on visiting a doctor in a few days, i have a hectic scheduel for the next week so it will be a close squeeze.

- Himiko
see an orthopedic surgeon and get it fixed!!!

- Sunshine
See a Orthopedic that specializes in knee issues....
it sounds like a huge problem which can cause more issues if not treated

- futdoc2013
Rest it, Apply Ice (20 min at a time every 2-3 hours), avoid high impact until advised by you doctor. Sound like there could be a cartilage issue. Vibrations are usually a sign of friction (ie bone on bone). You probably needs at minimum an xray but probably an MRI as well. Go to your doctor.

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