
Knee ???????????????

Knee ???????????????I ve had this for a while now but on the outside of my right knee i have this ball shaped bone (well that's what i think it is) which is about 3cm in diameter and it has recently start to hurt. I can feel this thin bone connected to it that goes up the side of my leg.

Please tell me what this could be and if it is serious or not. I would just like to get some info because my doctors appointment is next week. So please answer ASAP

- frogman
I had a similar growth behind my knee when I was just 6 years old. It was a hollow cyst which was surgically removed. No problems afterward. Depending on what your doctor thinks, she will either suggest removing it or if it's of a certain type, whacking or crushing it. Your doctor will want to know if you had an injury in this area or some kind of chronic irritation. I am 60 now and more concerned with keeping my melanoma in check.

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Orignal From: Knee ???????????????

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