
what causes Knee pain and swelling, what can I do to remedy this?

what causes Knee pain and swelling, what can I do to remedy this?It is hard for me to stand up from a chair, walk up and down stairs, and now my foot and ankle is swollen. Sometimes when I sit too long at work my foot swells. I have taken arthritis and it does not help.

- Punk DeVille
I dont really understand it but it could be Gout

- Douglas B
Tight muscles cause both those things. For your knee it's because the kneecap has tightened up pulling the kneecap up on and into the knee making it hard and painful to bend and/or straighten the knee. You have to release the knee to get rid of that problem. For your foot I can tell you it is trickier to release but it's still in the muscles. I've been working on my wife's foot for a week now and finally getting the pain out of it and some of the swelling down as well. I'm releasing the muscles in her leg to get this to happen and for her it is pretty painful but as long as progress is being made she feels it's worth the pain. Here's how to do those releases that you need, hope you can get them worked out:
Do while sitting on a chair with no front cross braces between the legs.
While sitting have your leg resting in a stretched position. Place both your thumbs, side by side, about 2 inches behind the kneecap and press down into your leg hard and then redirect the pressure a little towards the kneecap. After one minute slowly slide your foot back and under your chair as far as it will go, release the pressure but hold your foot there for another 30 seconds.
The important parts of this are the thumbs together in the middle and plenty of pressure on the leg for if there isn't this won't take. If that happens try it again right away.
For your foot it should be the achilles tendon that has tightened up pulling the foot into the ankle to give the pain and swelling to the foot. Here's how to release those muscles:
Achilles tendon:
While sitting and your leg on your lap, take both thumbs and place them side by side at about ankle height on the tendon on the back of your leg and apply pressure hard and hold. After 30 seconds slowly raise your toes up as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your foot there for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

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