
Chronic knee pain when standing/bending knee?

Chronic knee pain when standing/bending knee?When standing up from a sitting position, or when I keep my knees bent for 15 minutes or more, I experience a severe ache-y pain in both knees. No cracking or noises, just pain. This has been going on for about 2 weeks now.

I am 16 years old and female, in good health, and haven't had previous knee pains before. I don't remember injuring my knees, so I'm assuming it's from the change in weather recently.

- Expert
It very well could be from the recent change in weather. Joints tend to ache especially after wet or cold weather. Judging by your age, you could be suffering form patellofemoral pain syndrome, or tendonitis. If you have grown a few inches, your tendons could be tightly scretched across the knee cap, which would certainly cause pain. Take ibuprofin for a few days, and if the pain continues to persist or get worse call your doctor.

- alwaysmekatie
t seems like you either pulled a muscle. I would suggest getting some Pre-wrap and tape; tape it up real good, but not too tight that your cutting the circulation off. This will give the ligaments&tendons nice strong support. Also, ice it down for 15 minutes twice a day, to help the swelling&inflammation down-if any. But no longer than 15 of you will feel worse than before. Oh and take nice warm baths, bend&straighten your leg for a minute this will keep it from getting stiff, and since it's weightless there will be no pressure. Try not to take the stairs more than needed.

If it's not better in a week, then I would go to the doctors and have them check it out.

Hope that helps&goodluck(:

- Brittany W
I am 15 and I had the same problem. I went to the orthopedic surgeon about it, and he wound up doing a knee scope. Which is where they go in your knee, and check it all out and fix and repair things along the way.

I thought mine was from the weather too, but it just so happened I was wearing the cartilge out on my knee!! So If I were you, I would go let the doctor check it out!

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