knee pain treatment?my brother jogs a lot lately in preparation for his training in a military school. lately his knee experiences pain, the doctor said it could be tendonitis. He has been undergoing medication for 1 week but the pain wont come off. what should we do about this? theres only less tan 2 weeks before the training begins. please advice
thanks guys for the reply! My Brother just got back from an orthopedic, and hes got a bunch on meds with him, plus the doctor recommended the hot-compress-anti-inflamatory-cream approach. Question, everyone on the internet says "ice-ice-ice", but since hes doing a hot compress twice a day, would the ice bag approach still be needed?
- Q361
Listen to the Doctors advice or go and see a specialist.
Your brother needs to stop the jogging and rest that leg where the knee is located. If he insists on keep going, he probably won't make the military school. You can help him by doing this: Soak a towel with hot water, ring it out, then apply the towel to the knee, all around if the towel is big enough. Have a second towel handy that can quickly replace the first one when it cools. Do this until the skin begins to turn lightly red. Stop and massage the knee using some Aspercreme Cream, if he is not allergic to aspirin. This needs to be done at least twice a day, three would be better, and stay off the leg only to walk. After it begins to feel better, have him get a knee brace sleeve that is elastic with the knee cap area open, then try a short distance jogging. If it starts to hurt, stop right away. A fast pace walk is just as good. It never will get better if he continues to injure it jogging, rest that leg a few days. I wish for your brother the very best of luck, and you must be a special brother to be as concerned as you are. That's just wonderful.
- mumbo jumbo
See a physical therapist & get some knee strengthening exercises. Usually, when a knee hurts, the quad muscles are weak. Usually.
- djctag
please see specialist ----- do not have any oporation until more than one specialist agree on the same thing especially with the knee at young ages -- trust me --
and dont continue opiates unless that is the last route before surgury --
physical therapy is surprising @!!!!!!
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