How long does it take for a sprained knee to heal?I sprained my knee today during a soccer match :(
does any one know how long it would take?
- MiSs @nN
it depends on the extent of the damage thats been done.jst take it easy and stay off of it but try to bend it back-n-forth occasionally so it doesnt lock up(trust me even tho it hurts it hurts way more wen it locks up-it happened to me)..well idk if this helped but i hope it did!get better(:
- K.H.S.
As stated, a lot of factors come into play in the healing of sprains, strains, breaks, and other injuries related to sports. Severity, history, re-injury, care, and even you can all effect the healing.
If it is a first time injury, very minor, you care for it and don't push it, and do not re-injure it as it heals, you can get by with a few weeks. I lot depends on you too. If you are in good shape, eat and sleep right, healing can be slightly faster than if you are overweight, eat poorly, and party all the time over sleeping and resting. Your joints take a lot of abuse every day, and an injury that isn't cared for can take longer, or never truly heal. This will leave it open for re-injury later on, which effects even the best of sportsmen (and sportswomen) in their careers.
A dislocation is pretty easy to tell. They either need to be set, or put back into place, or pop out and back in on their own, but they hurt far worse at the time than a sprain or strain, as they actually leave the socket for a brief time, and that is usually felt clearly. The result is similar to a sprain/strain, and feels about like one healing, though sometimes it seems to hurt less, as long as you're not using it. Generally, a break tends to hurt less, but that depends on the person and their tolerance for pain.
I would speak with a doctor who specializes in sports injuries, to be safe. I know some who only recommend two weeks of down time, and other that suggest a month or more. My shoulder took six weeks, and that was a re-injury. The original injury was not treated correctly at the time, and it was left "weak" which allowed my to re-injure it years later. After this, I would think about a support, to take some stress off of it later on, though it may not be medically necessary, depending on you and your level of activity.
There are some medical sites out there, on the web, if you cannot see a doctor, for whatever reasons. Still, there is nothing like being checked out by someone who knows healing and can check out the injury to make sure it isn't hiding something.
Hi,I did the following:
Andrew Bynum (Injury) Sprained Right Knee (1-31-09) vs.Grizzlies (Cachooka)
Knee Disorders Treatment, Causes, Exercises, Prevention Tips, Symptoms ...
Orignal From: How long does it take for a sprained knee to heal?
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