
Growing pain in left knee? Remedies?

Growing pain in left knee? Remedies?I'm a teenager and I've been experiencing growing pains in my legs. Tonight, I had the worst pain in my left knee. I saw it coming before I went to bed, but I thought it would either go away, or not get worse, but at around 3:30 am it got so bad that i woke myself up. I know I get these pains after a big day, or a day where I'm very active, so I was preparing myself for it. I just want to know if there's any remedies that people have that work? Since the piping hot bath didn't do anything to help the pain. Anything helps! Thanks!

- D A V I S

- CrazyHorseLady
If i was you I would get an appt with an Orthopedic Surgeon to make sure that all you have going on with your knees is growing pains. I was 13 when they told me that I had nothing more than growing pains in my right knee. Well by the time i was 16 the pain in my right knee was so bad that I could no longer ignore it and i was starting to have issues with my left knee as well. Long story short turns out that I had more than growing pains and by the time i was checked out I had a good case of arthritis in my right knee and it was started in my left as well., Well long story short I am 38 now and I just had surgery number 10 on my knees. i have pain pretty much all the time. there are so many treatment options out there for people that are just starting to have issues that where not around when i was diagnosed.

- ACL Surgery Recovery
I wouldnt recommend a hot bath. After or during a busy day try icing it for 20 minutes to keep any swelling down and it can really help reduce the pain. Before sleeping do another RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) cycle to help. If the pain only occurs on busy/active days I wouldnt be too worried about it only if it continues to get worse and becomes a constant problem than look into your other options.

Good luck with the pain

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