
How to help a knee sore from cross country?

How to help a knee sore from cross country?Today was my first day of summer cross country training and it was tiring! We ran round a lake (with many broken tile pieces, rocks, roots ect..) and i think I did something to my knee around there. I though I would try walking it off a bit but its been hurting all day. Do you any tips on how to help my knee now and help prevent future injury's? Thanks in advance :)

- PURPLEgirl
If there is swelling, or to reduce the pain, take some pain killers. To reduce swelling, either use a hot or cold pack. I would probably get some type of therapy to get you back into using the knee properly and to make sure that there is no reinjury. Hope this helps and best of luck to you!

- Baldhead_J
Running on uneven surfaces is really hard on the knees and I highly recommend that you stop it. The most common knee pains for runners are: Runner's Knee (caused by abrasion of the patella) and Illiotibial Band Syndrome [I'm suffering through this right now]. ITBS just sux. It's caused by damaging the the band of connective tissue that sits on top of your outer quad and runs from the hip to your knee, connecting in two places around the knee cap. This injury is characterized by a pain below the knee cap, but in NORMALLY noticed first on the outside of the knee where the ITB connects. There's not really a cure for this other than getting familiar with foam roller, ice, and starting a strengthening and stretching regime. Head over to Runner's World and check the injury forums for support groups and detailed information. Good Luck.

- Vinny
Ice and ibuprofen. Every runner does them daily.

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