
Knee Disorders: Hurt knee?

Hurt knee?Yesterday, during a soccer game, I was running and jumped over a girl. I landed on my knee and it hurt for about an hour. The pain was fine though, nothing serious. I woke up today, and it felt somewhat twisted. I put an ACE Bandage on it and it feels much better like that. But when I walk, it feels weird. Do you thinkn that my knee will feel better by Friday, if I hurt it on Saturday? Because, I really want to do a basketball tournement. Thanks!! :]
Are there any streches to make it feel better?
Also, my mom's a nurse and she said it wasn't serious.

- tjisnumber1
That happens to me all the time, usually if you just run it off you won't feel a thing.

- thebat15
Definitely go get it checked out!
I had injured my knee not thinking much of it and it turned out that I needed total reconstruction. My knee is stronger than ever now, but I should have had it check out much sooner! Good luck to you!!

- Donna E
Sorry about your knee injury. I've had bad knees for years - in fact, had a knee replacement a few months ago (not from soccer, though! :) ). The thing my doctors always told me was to ice - ice -ice. That seems to be the best thing you can do as it will take down the internal swelling.

Keep the ace bandage going and the ice and I'm sure you'll do well Friday --

- candycaneluva25
do stretches were you straighten you leg..then bend it
i would keep the ACE bandage on until the tournament.. and continue ice therapy
if it still hurts by friday..i would consider getting it checked out..just to be on the safe side.
good luck with your tournament!!

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