
Knee Disorders: What are the most common knee injuries and what part is often affected?

What are the most common knee injuries and what part is often affected?

- gfeckle
Knee Sprains - the ligaments----ACL tears are actually very common esp. in sports requiring cutting, quick stops, and turns such as football, soccer, and basketball

Patella instability/kneecap problems are common and can range from dislocations (more common in female athletes) to just kneecap pain sometimes called Runner's Knee.

Patella Tendinitis is a very common overuse injury. It is a result of an inflamed patella tendon.

A torn meniscus is very common, too. Your meniscus is a disk of c-shaped cartilage in your knee between your femur and tibia that acts as a shock absorber and cushion. Tears happen with less of a significant injury/ more easily in older people as the meniscus wears down. Athletes also can get tears due to knee twists etc.

Good Luck :)

- alianna_hodiya
Knee Sprains - the ligaments----ACL tears are actually very common esp. in sports requiring cutting, quick stops, and turns such as football, soccer, and basketball

Patella instability/kneecap problems are common and can range from dislocations (more common in female athletes) to just kneecap pain sometimes called Runner's Knee.

Patella Tendinitis is a very common overuse injury. It is a result of an inflamed patella tendon.

A torn meniscus is very common, too. Your meniscus is a disk of c-shaped cartilage in your knee between your femur and tibia that acts as a shock absorber and cushion.

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