
Knee Disorders: What should I do for my twisted knee?

What should I do for my twisted knee?I twisted it skiing. It twisted away from my body so badly that my hip hurts. Am i sxrewed for life? Will it ever heal? Am i prone to reinjury? Thanks.

Ice it. I don't think you're screwed for life.

- MystiMi
see a docter. you may need physical therapy or if you let it go it may get worse.

- cass
Ice it, and try not to walk on it too much. I did the same thing when I was skiing moguls, and it was better after about two days.

- Mrs. E
I have had a knee injury for about 20 years, and to be honest, it was never the same. I did not really have the proper medical attention for it, so that may be my own fault. You need to find a good orthopedic doctor who is trained to treat this kind of injury, or it may bother for the rest of your life.

- Lucy_Goosy
GO in for a quick exam. It'll heal fine, but you may be prone to re-injure your kee if you continue your activities. After you get it examed, lay low from your activities for about a week or what your doc says.

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