Physical therapists, will pt cure neck, back and knee trouble or just make it better?I have a curve in my spine. If I do physical therapy for all three of them will I be able to get a job that would require bending my neck down or up for a long time?
How much weight can I lift regularly? How much weight can I push and pull regularly? If it cures my problems will I still need to do physical therapy forever if I get a job that requires bending of my neck like that, lifting, and pushing and pulling objects regularly?
- mistify
Part of PT is to teach you how to perform your job related tasks with good body mechanics.
Without knowing the specifics behind your issues, I cannot say for sure whether you will be able to do the job you wish, but I can tell you that a "curve" in your spine does not make it any more likely that you will have back pain than the general population.
Sorry I cannot be more specific.
- grandmakitty5
You need to have a good Doctor to help you plan your care,a Specialist would be best-a orthopedic. Therapy has to be ordered. Each case would be different and special. No one can answer these questions without a better diagnosis.
- Victor
Physical therapists will provide guidance and its your effort to do the exercise regularly makes it better.
Good luck
Orignal From: Physical therapists, will pt cure neck, back and knee trouble or just make it better?
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